Canon Aptex

The Copyer Co., Ltd. combining, you establish. Hiring information of product introduction and such as peripheral device and card printer. Corporations, both domestically and abroad, are being called upon to fulfill an ever expanding range of responsibilities. These include compliance with all relevant environmental assurance laws, as well as other demands from the consumers. As a member of the Canon Group, Canon Finetech adheres to the group philosophy of Kyosei (living and working together for the common good) and so actively promotes the production of environmentally conscious products. These activities can be seen in all steps from product planning and development to procurement, production, shipping and disposal. For the product planning and development stages we have established special Environmental standards for each product, taking into consideration the needs of our customers and society. When selecting parts and materials we make sure that there are no harmful materials involved, and we confirm that no harmful materials will be used or discharged during the product assembly process. Assessments are also made to confirm that products can be easily disassembled and separated during the disposal process. Product assessments are conducted for new products in each process up until the start of production to ensure that the product conforms to these environmental standards. Types Ecommerce -B2B (Business-to-Business) B2C Founded December 14,1953 Capital JPY 3,451,396,000
717 Yaguchi, Misato-shi, Saitama, Japan, 341-8527
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