Western Asia

- Armenia is represented in Japan through its embassy in Beijing (China).
- Japan is represented in Armenia through its embassy in Moscow (Russia).
- Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Armenia?
Japan's foreign policy towards and investments in Iran have historically been dominated by the desire to secure reliable energy supplies; Iran is Japan's third-largest oil supplier after Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Iran and Japan signed a visa-free travel arrangement in 1974, but it was terminated in April 1992 due to large-scale illegal Iranian migration to Japan. Iran and Japan also cooperate on regional foreign policy issues in the Middle East, such as the reconstruction of Afghanistan and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since 2004, Japan has been working on developing Iran's largest on-shore oil field, located at Azadegan.
The Japanese government refrained from appointing a Minister Plenipotentiary to Israel until 1955. Relations between the two states were distant at first, but after 1958, as demand no break occurred. This had been at the same time that OPEC had imposed an oil embargo against several countries, including Japan.
- The embassy of Japan in Lebanon is located in the Serail Hill Area, Army Street, Zokak El-Blat, Beirut. The current ambassador is Yoshihisa Kuroda.
- The embassy of Lebanon in Japan is located in Nagatach?, Chiyoda, Tokyo.
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Japan-Lebanon Relations?
Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabian - Japan relations were established during the past half a century. Saudi-Japanese relations are based on mutual respect and common interests in all areas.
- Japan has an embassy in Damascus
- Syria has an Embassy of Syria in Tokyo.?

Embassy of Syria in Tokyo.

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